School Uniform
Wearing uniform increases a sense of belonging and pride as well as being extremely practical. Our school colours are purple for the sweatshirts, sweat cardigans, fleece tops, gingham dress, polo shirt for FS2 and the PE top. The polo shirt is white, and shorts and skirts are grey. Children in FS1 and FS2 wear a purple polo shirt. The school has endeavoured to ensure that our uniform is as gender neutral as possible.
Every pupil from FS2 to Year 6 is expected to wear the appropriate uniform. It is so important that all pupils look smart and wear the correct uniform. We understand that uniform can be expensive so the uniform items with our logo are optional. Sweatshirts, sweat cardigans, and the outdoor fleece must be the correct colour and hoodies should not be worn. We ask that all parents support us in ensuring pupils wear the correct school attire.
Please refer to uniform flyer and school policy for further information.
ITEM | Cost (Euros) |
Sweatshirts | €11.00 |
Sweat cardigans | €13.00 |
Fleece Tops | €17.00 |
Polo Shirts | €11.00 |
P.E Tops | €7.00 |
P.E Tops (Adult Small) | €8.00 |
P.E Black Shadow Stripe Shorts | €5.00 |
P.E Shorts (Adult size) | € 6.00 |
Purple and White gingham dress | €18.00 |
P.E Bags | €4.00 |
Book Bags | €9.00 |
Infant Back Pack | €12.50 |
KS2 Back Pack | €14.50 |
Baseball Cap | €6.00 |

Snack Information
Queen Berengaria School offers a healthy snack supplied by our Early Years Setting at 8:00 a.m. every morning for all year groups (FS2-Y6). This comes in the form of fruit platters, brunch bars etc.
For information, this does not replace the FS2 (milk and fruit) /KS1 fruit break as it’s in addition to what children already have. Children in KS2 are still allowed to bring in a healthy snack for their first break playtime.
If you would like your child to receive a daily snack for the price of 50 cents a day please complete and return the form linked below. Please note that you will have to sign up from Monday-Friday as there will not be an option to pick and choose days.
We are really keen to promote a healthy, social breakfast snack so children will not be able to bring in their own snack but we will work with you if your child enjoys a particular fruit or brunch bar.