School Values

Our Core Values

A core value is a central belief which is understood and shared by every member of the school community. Core values arise out of what we believe to be important about people, about society and about learning and knowledge. Values are more than inspiring or beautiful words. Our values are a behavioural blueprint that shape who we are as a school community and as individuals. They are developed as a whole school, with pupil voice being the driving force in identifying our values. In all that we do, we ask ourselves – does this promote what we value most?

At Queen Berengaria School we believe in respect, responsibility and collaboration.

We show respect and always have regard for ourselves and other people’s feelings, wishes and rights.

We take responsibility for our words and actions; our own and other people’s property as well as the environment around us.

We show collaboration by working together as active and caring members of the school and wider community.

Through our learning and assemblies, we focus on these core values to better understand what they mean to us and to others.

British Values

At Queen Berengaria School we value and celebrate the diverse heritages of everybody in our community as well as the wider world. We celebrate British traditions and customs throughout the year. We value and celebrate national events, the traditions and festivals of our foreign and commonwealth families and those here in Cyprus. As such we link the British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs with our own core values in all that we teach and learn.