
Protocol between Ofsted and the Ministry of Defence, Defence Children Services

The role of Ofsted

Ofsted inspects all MOD schools overseas at the invitation of the MoD. These schools cater for children aged 3 and above who are the children of members of the armed forces and their dependents, and civilian employees.

At the MOD’s request, Ofsted will also inspect some early years settings for children aged from birth to 5 that have been identified by the MOD’s risk assessment as needing an early year’s inspection.

The legal framework under which Ofsted inspects

Under this agreement, Ofsted will inspect MOD schools and early years provision in those schools under the Education Act 2005 (sections 5 and 8) and the Education and Inspections Act 2006 (Schedule 13 para 9(2)), together with any other relevant regulations.

For early years provision outside MOD schools, inspection will be under sections 49 and 50 of the Childcare Act 2006 and the Education and Inspections Act 2006 (Schedule 13 para 9(2)).

How Ofsted will inspect MOD provision

Ofsted will inspect MOD schools in a way that is broadly consistent with how we inspect publicly funded schools in England. His Majesty’s Inspectors (HMI) will use the section 5 and/or section 8 inspection handbooks and associated guidance and report templates unless specifically varied to take account of the MOD context. The MOD and Ofsted will agree these variations, for example in relation to governance.

Ofsted will inspect MOD early years provision in a way that is broadly consistent with how we inspect early years provision in England. Early years regulatory inspectors will use the early years inspection handbook, associated guidance and report templates unless specifically varied to take account of the MOD context. The MOD and Ofsted will agree these variations.

How we will programme inspections

The frequency of MOD school inspections depends on the findings of a school’s previous inspection.

Arranging and coordinating inspections

DCS through the Chief Education Officer, MOD Schools retains the right to determine which and when inspections take place.

Ofsted will provide inspection teams drawn from HMI for school inspections and early years regulatory inspectors for early years inspections. Schools and early years providers will receive up to 2 working days’ notice of the inspection.

The Ofsted complaints procedure will apply to the inspection of MOD schools and early years provision.