
At Queen Bergengaria School, our first priority is the safety and welfare of our pupils.  We have clear systems and processes in school to ensure all members of our school community understand their duties and responsibilities in safeguarding our children.  Our staff are committed to ensuring our children are safe, happy and nurtured at all times.

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Miss Lisa Milner

Our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Julie Hemsley

Sometimes we need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child’s welfare.  We use MyConcern (an online reporting tool) to record logs or concerns about children which may contribute to safeguarding information.  These may include behaviour, attendance, information shared by parents etc.  We will ensure that our concerns about our children are discussed with parents/carers at an appropriate point, unless we have reason to believe that this would be contrary to their welfare. 

If you are concerned about the safety or welfare of a child, please act without delay.  You can contact our Designated Safeguarding Leads in school.  If your concern is urgent, please contact the Police or Education Welfare Officer / Social Care. 

Operation Encompass

As a school, we engage with Operation Encompass to work with the police to support families who have experienced domestic violence.  Operation Encompass is a unique Police and Education early intervention safeguarding partnership which supports children and young people exposed to domestic abuse.

Operation Encompass is the reporting to schools before the start of the next school day when a child or young person has been involved or exposed to a domestic abuse incident the previous evening.  The information is given in strict confidence to a school’s DSL to enable support to be given dependent on the needs and wishes of the child.  Operation Encompass is a Trauma Informed and Trauma Sensitive charity. We acknowledge and understand the impact of Domestic Abuse as an Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE).  

Supporting Mental Health and Wellbeing

Every adult at Queen Bergengaria School understands that they play a vital role in nurturing and supporting our children to feel valued, nurtured and cared for.  We all also understand that there are times when children may need additional help or support to ensure they feel safe, secure and happy both at school and at home.

If you feel like your child may need additional support or you have a concern, please talk to your child’s class teacher.  We can offer a range of support depending on your child’s needs.  This may range from specific strategies applied in the classroom, or it may involve support from specialist staff in school or other agencies. Please speak to your child’s class teacher or a member of our team.  We are always ready to listen and help.

For further information see link below:

MOD Schools and Settings Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy